3.7. Requests Monitoring

3.7.1. Requests Monitoring

Managers are able to monitor requests to Endpoints and Endpoint Groups by getting statistical tables:
To monitor requests coming to Endpoints, go to Tools → Monitoring → Request endpoint statistics.
To monitor requests coming to Endpoint Group, go to Tools → Monitoring → Request group statistics.

All parameters of this screen are described below.

Parameter Name Description
ID Endpoint or Endpoint group identification number.
END POINT NAME The name of the Endpoint that used as an entry point for incoming Merchant’s transactions for single currency integration. Clicking on the name of the endpoint redirects user to the Integration Panel https://gate.apropay.com/paynet-ui/tools/integration-panel with the selected endpoint. Available for Request endpoint statistics.
END POINT GROUP NAME The name of the Endpoint group that used as an entry point for incoming Merchant’s transactions for multi currency integration. Clicking on the name of the endpoint group redirects user to the Integration Panel https://gate.apropay.com/paynet-ui/tools/integration-panel with the selected endpoint. Available for Request group statistics.
REQUEST COUNT Total number of incoming requests.
ERROR COUNT Total number of errors.
HTTP ERROR COUNT Total number of http errors only.
LAST ERROR Field that shows the last error occurred.

3.7.2. Message server statistics

To monitor messages and notifications sent from Message server go to Tools → Monitoring → Message sending statistics.
All parameters of this screen are described below.
Parameter Name Description
ID Transaction identification number.
MESSAGE SERVER NAME Name of the message server, where notifications come from.
MANAGER ID Manager’s identification number.
MANAGER NAME Manager’s name.
TOTAL SENT NUMBER Total number of sent messages.
SUCCESSFULLY SENT NUMBER Total number of successfully sent messages.
UNSUCCESSFULLY SENT NUMBER Total count of unsuccessfully sent messages.

3.7.3. Processor error codes

Processor error codes provides the ability for managers to designate a selected error as a Perilous decline. The chosen errors are then included in the Task . Manager configures chosen errors on processor level, also manager and merchant can monitor.

processor error codes